As I’ve recently started my non-binary identity and the number of non-binary identities in the world continues to grow, it’s time for me to reflect on the state of the non-binary community.

In the past year the number of non-binary people on Twitter and Facebook has grown by over 40%. In 2012 the number of non-binary people on Facebook reached its all time high of over 15 million. In 2012 the number of non-binary people on Twitter hit it’s all time high. In 2012 the number of non-binary people was over 5 million and it is growing every day.

The number of non-binary people in the world is almost completely dependent on the demographic structure of the population. The number of non-binary people per country has decreased, but it is still growing every day. The number of non-binary people per country has increased by one percent. In 2012 the number of non-binary people in the world was more than 5 million and it is growing every day.

In 2012 the number of non-binary people in the world was more than 5 million and it is growing every day. The number of non-binary people in the world is almost completely dependent on the demographic structure of the population. The number of non-binary people per country has decreased, but it is still growing every day.

In 2013 the United States has an estimated 10 million non-binary people, and Canada has an estimated 4 million. In Europe, the number of non-binary people is increasing every day, and it is mainly caused by the demographic structure of the population. So the number of non-binary people in the world is rising every day, but the number of people who are non-binary is decreasing every day.

In 2012 the United States had an estimated 10.2 million non-binary people, and Canada has an estimated 4.8 million. In Europe, the number of non-binary people is increasing every day, but the number of people who are non-binary is decreasing every day.

For the foreseeable future, I expect the trend toward non-binary people in the United States to continue, but the trend toward people who identify themselves as non-binary is likely to diminish. The trend toward non-binary people in Canada is also continuing, and I expect it to continue in Europe as well, but the trend toward people who identify themselves as non-binary is likely to diminish.

People who identify themselves as non-binary are a new segment of the population. They have a different physical appearance from other people, but are not the same as them. They don’t have the same chromosomes as they, so their ability to change their physical appearance is not as natural.

Non-binary individuals have adopted a new name and identity: non binary. They have a set of physical characteristics that are different from, and not the same as, the other people they associate with. These characteristics include facial features, hair, eye color, and skin color, among other things. Non-binary people do not have the same chromosomes as everyone around them.

Non binary people have become a bit of a trend in the media lately. This is because some of us are non binary and have adopted the non-binary identity. But it’s a trend that will have to come to an end soon as more and more people adopt this identity.