I’ve been using avaya auratm for the last three years. I can’t complain. It’s the best tasting coconut based yogurt I’ve ever had.

avaya auratm is a thick, creamy coconut yogurt that’s made with coconut milk, coconut flavors, and coconut oil. It is so thick that you cant see your food. Avaya auratm is popular in eastern and central India, but it’s the only one of these products Ive had that Ive been able to keep refrigerated without it turning to custard.

Avaya auratm is made by a woman named Chandrasekhar S, who lives on a coconut plantation in Kerala, India. It is one of the many delicious varieties of coconut yogurt that you can find throughout India. It typically has 12g of protein and 3g of fat per serving. Most of the recipes on this site use it, but I’ve used it for a lot of recipes and I’m quite happy with it.

One recipe Ive made with it is the “Mulligata” – a rice dish that I love to eat when Im in the mood for a curry. Of course I got it from the recipe, but that recipe has a lot of ingredients and Ive used it quite a bit.

Avaya is one of the most common varieties of yogurt on the market. It’s made from raw cow’s milk and it tends to have a lot of cream in it. The cream in it makes it very thick and it also provides a great source of protein and lactose that you can replace with other low-fat or fat-free yogurt.

Avaya is a great choice for most people if you have low-fat or fat-free yogurt on hand. It’s also great if you just want a thicker, creamier yogurt that can easily be used to serve a large crowd. It can also be used to replace the milk in milk shakes or latte’s. Avaya is also a good choice for those who don’t like to use a dairy product in their diet.

Avaya is an amazing fruit. If you dont like to use milk in your diet then Avaya is the perfect choice.

Avaya is a great choice for those who dont like to use milk in their diet. It is great for those who want a thick creamier yogurt that can easily be used to serve a large crowd. It can also be used to replace the milk in milk shakes or lattes.

Avaya is a great choice for those who dont like to use milk in their diet. It is great for those who want a thick creamier yogurt that can easily be used to serve a large crowd. It can also be used to replace the milk in milk shakes or lattes.

Avaya is made from soy, so it tastes great and is made with just the right amount of dairy. It is a great choice for those who don’t like to use milk in their diet. It is great for those who want a thick creamier yogurt that can easily be used to serve a large crowd. It can also be used to replace the milk in milk shakes or lattes.