Yes, it is true. Our computers aren’t like the olden days of dial-up modems that only delivered the data you needed. They are so fast that you can’t even notice a slow down when you’re using them. Yes, that’s right. We’re finally starting to see the benefits of these internet speeds.
I remember my parents talking about how they had to send all of their data to the university via the internet. The computer was always busy with homework, and then the internet would slow everything down. My dad was a big deal about his internet speed (of course), and he was always telling us speed, and everything would be fine. Well, a few months later, we received an email from the university saying that a certain university had increased their internet speed to 300mbps.
My dad thought that was fast. He said that we had only received 50mbps before. Well, now we’ve received 300mbps! We can finally communicate in real time with family, friends, and colleagues. We can finally see and hear everything the internet can show us. That’s huge.
The internet’s always been fast before, but we didn’t have good internet until a few months ago. Before that we couldn’t even talk to each other. Now we can’t even see each other. I’m glad.
I used to think that the internet was way slower because we didn’t have broadband. It was always slower because we had a much slower connection. So why was it faster all of a sudden? I guess it was like a speed bump. People with slower connections are happy because they can communicate on the internet, but people with faster connections are sad because they can’t make new friends. That’s the effect of slow cloud computing.
As we all know, cloud computing is a term that describes the act of sharing a computer’s resources with a remote user. We could say that cloud computing is a way of sharing our processing power with our buddies across the world. So, with cloud computing, if we make a website and it suddenly becomes a lot more powerful than before, we have a problem. It’s not just that we suddenly have a lot more data sitting on our computers, but we also have the opportunity to make more.
Well, it turns out that not all computers have the same processing power. Some are only able to handle 10,000 requests in a second, and some even have no processing power at all. We’re getting there though. Over the next few months, we’ll see the next evolutionary step in cloud computing, which is the ability to do more than the 10,000 requests in a second.
Cloud computing is the term for using your computer’s processing power to store and distribute information for use at a later time. Its not a new concept, but it’s not the same as what we’re doing now. The cloud has taken over because we have the possibility to access and process information at a later time.
Clouds are the internet. Computers are the internet.