We don’t actually know what consumerization is. It could be as simple as the consumer asking for a free sample of something because they are a foodie. Or maybe it is a consumer asking for a credit card, a car, or a pair of shoes. Maybe it is something I haven’t thought of before. We don’t know what it is, but it is there.

Consumerization is the “unconscious” part of the consumption cycle. It occurs when we begin to see ourselves as consumers of things. For example, in the consumer society we live in today, most of us think that we are consumers of money. We’ve heard our friends talk about the “bargain” they’re in the market for – like a car, a car seat, a pair of shoes, or a refrigerator, etc.

The problem with our society is that a single, mass-produced product is always being made and sold. This is why we call the “consumer society” a “bunch of cads”. When we are consumers of something, we want to have it available to us for no other reason than we want it. This is the way to get our needs met. The problem here is when we begin to act as consumers and stop recognizing the need to act as creators.

There’s a big difference between being a consumer and being a creator. Consumers are trying to get stuff to us, while creators are trying to make something new. When you’re a consumer, you want to buy a $1000 pair of shoes, or a $50,000 car so you can drive it. When you’re a creator, you want to create a new product, or a new way to sell a product.

The problem is that consumers are always trying to get things to us and they don’t have the ability to create new things they want to do. They don’t have the ability to make things from scratch. They don’t have the ability to buy new things. When we create something they want to do it, and we have the ability to do that, they have the ability to make it.

What happens when we don’t create our own products? We start to create products that are just copies of products we already made. In other words, we start to copy what we already made, and then we start to make things that are not new. The result is that we end up with a lot of stuffs that are just like what we already got. The result is that we end up with a lot of stuffs that are just like what we already got.

We think that at some point it’s just natural for us to create something new and to make it so that we make it as we already made it. We start to think of it as a consumer. We start to think of it as a human being who wants to make things that are new and that are not new. We start to think of it as a way to share information that is new and that is new. We just don’t need to remember that.

Consumerization is the idea that people want to control what we buy at the check out, where our food comes from, where our clothes come from, where our appliances come from, how much of our stuff we take out of the house that we are allowed to, etc.

The idea that we want to control how much information we have is a great one, but there are many ways to control that. The only things that we can control are our own minds. And to do that we need to stop trying to think of ourselves as consumers and start to think of ourselves as beings who want to share information that is new and that is new.

For example, the internet can be used to share news and information, just like the radio or TV. The idea that we would like to be able to control the information we have is a good one. What we don’t realize is that if we start telling people that we won’t let them share information they don’t want to share, we will be telling people they don’t own the information they think we do. This is what is dubbed, “consumerization.