There are lots of people that don’t realize this. When I think about how much more you can accomplish, I’m not going to lie. There is a huge difference between being a terrible artist and a really good one. The reason is two fold: the talent and the environment. For me, I have more time to devote to my art and I feel freer to stretch my creativity.
It’s not just because making art is a lot of work, but because you’re surrounded by so much artistic talent. When I go to art classes, I’m surrounded by a bunch of really talented people. If you have a talented person like that around you, you’ll find that it’s easy to become that person. And if you surround yourself with other people who are equally talented, you’ll find that it becomes easy to find ways to be that person.
I dont mean to diminish the importance of art classes, but because there are so many talented people, it’s easy to be surrounded by them. Art classes are great, but artists are like celebrities, they have an aura about them that is hard to shake off. There are lots of artists who have talent that I dont have, and I dont know many people who’ll be willing to help you find the one that fills your needs.
The truth is that you can always find a way to be talented regardless of what your field is. Just because you are gifted in something doesn’t mean you arent talented in something else, or vice versa. Even if you can’t write, or sing or play an instrument, there are different ways to be talented. Youll find that you can become skilled at something that no one else thinks you are good at, and if you can do that, then you are talented.
Many of us have a lot of “talent” within ourselves, but we never really put it to use. We keep it hidden in our back pockets and not really use it for anything. But why not? That’s the question. And if you want to use it, then that’s when it’s time to get creative. Look for a new hobby and discover what you are gifted in.
The fact is that there are literally millions of things in our lives that we aren’t good at. The most common examples? Exercise, eating, talking to people, doing things that matter, etc. All these things can be very difficult to master. Even more than most, these skills will get mastered quicker when we learn the right methods. When we can master something, it becomes a skill that we can apply to other aspects of our life.
But in the end, all it really takes is one person to discover a passion and it becomes a second nature. It’s the difference between someone who has a passion to fly a helicopter and someone that has a passion to be a professional model. The first one is amazing, but the second is much more important especially when you have a full time job and a family to take care of.
I love this quote from one of our teachers at the University of Chicago. She said, “If you find yourself thinking about something so much that you can’t sleep at night, you’ve already made it.” The same thing is true of your work. If you don’t apply yourself to your work and you keep struggling with it, you may never get it.
This one is hard to imagine because I think it’s so obvious, but I think that even when you have a job, you can still be so self-absorbed that your work is never really seen. And maybe it’s best you know this. It’s one of the reasons I’ve stayed out of the modeling game. When I was a teenager, I thought that modeling was my full-time job. But even my own parents could see that I couldn’t be much of a model.
This is a common myth. People who think this are so wrapped up in their own work that they don’t notice the work of others. I think many of us who model are more self-conscious about our work than people who aren’t models.