In this Ted Talk, I talk about artificial intelligence, how it’s going to disrupt and change all sorts of industries, and what we can do to prepare for its coming.

Artificial intelligence is at the top of the list of things we can do in order to prepare for its arrival. I can already hear the wails of people saying “how can the humans not prepare for this before it is too late!” Well, you can’t. We have to prepare for it now, but in the interim, you will be playing with your robots.

To prepare for artificial intelligence, we have to prepare for all sorts of other tech, like robots. We will be able to send them out into the world, and they will do our bidding. You will be able to order a robot to assassinate you, and that robot will do it. In the meantime, humans will be able to watch the world through a computer lens. The news is full of stories about people going out to the middle of the forest to watch the world from a computer.

The world is full of people watching from computers. The news is full of stories about people going out into the middle of the forest to watch the world from a computer. You are just a step away from being able to do this. You will be able to watch from your computer, just like the news, and be able to watch the world from your computer. You will learn about the world from your computer, just like the news.

This is basically the idea behind the “automated” AI, which is the AI that we discussed earlier in this chapter. This AI is the same as the AI we’ve been talking about since we started researching the topic of automation, except this one comes with more bells and whistles so that you aren’t just playing a computer game. The AI is being trained by a computer algorithm, and it is being programmed to watch the news and other stories.

The news is just the beginning. The news has a lot of flaws in it, and because it is just being transmitted to us from a human, the news can’t tell us exactly what’s going on in the world. The AI will tell us what’s happening in the world and help us make up our own minds. It’s really this AI we’ve been talking about since this chapter started.

It turns out that the AI is being trained by a computer algorithm that watches the news and other stories. This is the same AI used in the movie Minority Report, but the news is way more realistic. The AI is actually in the process of watching and learning from the news.

This AI is an example of what’s called “self-improving” intelligence. It learns from its mistakes, and learns by itself. It is able to reason and reason better. A human would be able to do this too, but they would probably start to lose their cool.

If AI is self-improving, then it is a more intelligent version of itself. We’ve all seen AI research that’s been done from the ground up. We all know that machines are taking over every aspect of our lives, from our jobs to our homes to what we do at work. It’s pretty clear that the AI we’ve been watching is learning to do things ourselves.

We all know that AI is one of the most exciting things to come out of the internet. I think that we’re just a few steps away from AI being self-improving. We’ll see in the next few years how much better we’ll all be at doing things, without having to rely on computers.