As in the Latin word, mala, meaning “bad,” this phrase is often used to describe a habit, habitually done for no reason, or a tendency to act the same way over and over again. This is what we call “self-awareness” and our tendency to repeat the same things over and over again.

The problem with malais is that it’s a habitual. If you’re doing it regularly for a long period of time, you become less aware of your actions and so are more likely to do them again. In other words, you’re more likely to repeat the same actions over and over again. We call this self-awareness and are very aware of our habits, routines, impulses, and reactions and therefore how we act in the world.

Self-awareness is very important and very useful. We often have very good reasons for our actions, but we often also have other reasons for why we act the way we do. For example, many of the things we do in life are for our own amusement so we don’t think we’re doing them because we really should be improving ourselves, no matter how stupid it is that we’re acting as if we’re doing it for some greater reason.

The problem is that self-awareness is often not what one expects it to be. We expect people to tell us what they think is important to us. But the reality is that most people are much less aware of what’s important to them than we are.

I think we should take a look at what we think is important to us. And then see if we are actually aware of these things.

That’s what malais is trying to get us to do.

malais is a game about a bunch of people who have learned to control their own minds. If you want to play the game, you can purchase it today. The game doesn’t even need you to be a player to win. It is completely free. I think its an ingenious way of letting us play for free.

malais is essentially a game for people who have suffered from a stroke, and are stuck in a time loop where they can’t do anything. In the game, you will play a character named “Ezra”. Ezra was a man who had suffered a stroke two years ago and was stuck in a time loop for about two months. He had no memory of why he was in the house, but was able to send a message to his girlfriend using a mental link.

Ezra was sent an email one day, saying, “Ezra’s girlfriend, she’s really angry. She wants to kill you. She thinks you are responsible for Ezra’s stroke.” So he gets sent an email saying he’s a time-loop victim and was sent a message about killing a time-loop victim.

I’m not sure if this has been discussed on the web before, but can I have my time-loop victims back? Can I get my time-loop victims back, and can I get my time-loop victims back! Let’s not forget that I’m in a time loop for about two months, and I can just send messages to my girlfriend.