Many of us have heard this before and have already found it to be true. We all have a future that we are most excited about.

In a market where so many games are getting pushed out, where games are being released that often don’t fulfill their potential, it’s hard to get excited about new games unless they come with a solid release date. So we’ll just have to accept that this is the case. And yes, we’re all hoping for an “August,” “October,” or “November” release of Future Say.

The good news is that Future Say’s development is going on as expected, and the game’s release date wont be pushed to after December. The bad news is that the game will be released a month after next year’s holiday (which has become known as the “Christmas rush”). This means that we’ll have to wait until the end of the year to download it.

And the good news is that all of this may end up being irrelevant, since it’s clear that the development teams have already decided that future Say is going to be released in the first quarter of next year. The bad news is that we don’t know when this decision will be made.

Well we do know that the development team has decided that future Say will be released this March, and its not known if in the first quarter of next year.

So far we’ve only heard that its going to be released in early March, but until we hear about an official announcement, we have a good amount of time to figure out what’s going on.

So far we know that We are currently in development on a new game, Future Say. The original game was an early access title that released in late 2014. That means that the development team is still working on it, but the developers have given up on it being a finished product. We’ve also heard that the team is currently working on a new title that will also be in early March. So we dont know how long it will take to finish.

The reason we can’t tell for sure is that the developer team doesn’t want to give us a specific release date. We are, after all, still in development.

We can tell you that we are aware of the work being done for the new version, but we dont know when it will be released.

Again, since we don’t know the exact date, we cant tell you when the game will be released. The work is very much ongoing, so we can’t say for sure when the game will be revealed.